8 Aww-dorable Things Shah Rukh & Gauri Khan Said On Rendezvous With Simi Garewal In 1997!

Shah Rukh Khan has always been an interviewer’s delight, but don’t you think it’s been ages since we’ve heard Gauri Khan‘s voice? I definitely think so, that’s why I decided to go on a #NostalgiaTrip and watch SRK and Gauri’s episode on Rendezvous With Simi Garewal. If there’s one thing that hasn’t changed since 1997, it’s the fact that Shah Rukh Khan says anything and everything. The man is witty, funny and has too much sass. So much sass that he coolly lit a cigarette in the middle of his interview! Check out some of his and Gauri’s best quotes, especially about their son Aryan!

1) SRK on being with Gauri during Aryan’s birth.

I’m not trying to sound morbid or gruesome, but the redness of the blood, the yellowness of the fat and the blueness of the baby were all beautiful.

2) SRK on seeing Aryan for the first time

His look was like ‘about time, you guys, what were you upto?’

3) During the celebrations in the hospital

Everyone was like it’s a boy, it’s a boy! I was just like it’s okay, I’ll go see if Gauri is okay, I’ve known her longer!

4) On whether Shah Rukh would be able to deal with Gauri ignoring him for Aryan

Gauri is going to be ignored, we Pathans stick together, Aryan tells me he likes me better already, he just goes to her for the food.

6) On bringing him up

I’ve told him when he’s 3 or 4 years he can run after girls, can do drugs, have sex. It’s nice to start early, he should do everything I haven’t done!

7) Gauri and SRK talking about their future plans for Aryan

GauriWe can’t push our children to do anything, whenever we push our children they do just the opposite. I just want him to be a good boy.
SRK: If he’s a good boy, he’ll be out of the house!
GauriI don’t want him to be a spoilt brat.
SRKNo no, I’ve told all my heroines to complain about my kid to me. I’ve told them if you’ll have daughters, my son will be running behind them. I want him to wear a Harley Davidson jacket, have long hair and an ear piercing.

8) And finally, Shah Rukh revealed why he loves Gauri so much.

I feel a sense of calmness with her, she’s my queen. She’s very real, I’m an actor because I don’t like being Shah Rukh, she is Gauri because she loves to be Gauri. Everyone is like actors are not supposed to be like this or that, the only reason I stick to her is because I don’t want to be responsible for taking this peace away from her. I just don’t want this calmness to be destroyed by me. 


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